Create and deploy a To-do CRUD service using Node.js, AWS and Serverless Framework
In this post, we will go through creating a simple CRUD (Create, Read, Update and Delete) service by creating a To-do service using Node.js, AWS and Serverless Framework. We will be creating and deploying AWS Lambda functions and expose them as RESTful APIs using Amazon API Gateway. We will also make use of a powerful Node.js middleware middy to make our development even simpler.
Below is a high-level architecture of what we are going to build.
Before we get started, we will require some setup.
Create AWS Account
We must create an AWS account. For this set of instructions, it will not cost us anything. The AWS Free Tier should be plenty for our use case.
Serverless Framework Installation
We will install the Serverless Framework on our machines as a standalone binary. There are multiple ways of doing this in the Serverless docs. In this post, we will be installing through NPM:
npm install -g serverless
To verify installation we will execute:
sls --version
AWS CLI Installation
In order to use the Serverless Framework efficiently in our machine, we will make use of the AWS CLI. Instructions specific to your machine can be found here. For macOS users like me, the instructions will be:
curl "" -o "AWSCLIV2.pkg" sudo installer -pkg ./AWSCLIV2.pkg -target /
We can then verify the installation as follows:
aws --version
Configuring AWS CLI
At the moment AWS CLI does not know who we are. We will need to provide some information about this. The purpose of this is to link our local machine CLI with AWS.
Going back to our AWS console. We go into the Identity and Access Management (IAM) service. This service manages who can access our AWS resources.
Click on the "Users" tab.
Then, we can create a user.
Select "Attach existing policies directly". For the purpose of this post, we will grant this user with AdministratorAccess
. Ideally, we should only grant users the level of access that is required.
The step to add tags can be skipped for this tutorial and we can proceed with creating the user.
Take note of your AWS Management Console access sign-in link. Note that the prefix on the link is our created user ID.
Also, take note of your Access Key ID
and Secret Access Key
Back in our terminal, we will execute the following command then enter the credentials we created. We will then select the location appropriate for us. In my case, I chose Europe as it is closest to me and that is where I would like my data to be stored.
aws configure
Now, AWS is configured and linked to our local machine.
Create Project
Now, we will create a project, which we will call todo-service
. We will use a fork of a base project from Ariel Weinberger at
sls create --name todo-service --template-url
This will create a starter project for us. We have called it todo-service
because all operations we will be doing for this to-do API will be defined within this service.
In our serverless.yml
, we will add our region within the provider
property. In my case it will be:
provider: stage: ${opt:stage, 'dev'} region: eu-west-1
You may be curious what the stage
property is. In this case, this will define the stage to which where we will deploy our service. In real-life there will be multiple stages that include the likes of production or any other stage, depending on the development requirements. In this tutorial, we will just use one stage dev
In terms of the syntax, the opt.stage
can be used to reference variable, while the second parameter is a default ('dev') if opt.stage
is not set.
We also use two plugins:
plugins: - serverless-bundle - serverless-pseudo-parameters
provides us with a number of benefits including allowing us to bundle our JavaScript using webpack, reduce our bundle size, allow the use of modern JavaScript (ES6+) with minimal configuration.
allows us to easily interpolate AWS parameters which will make our life easier later on. More information on this plugin can be found here.
Create a Database
We will need to store our to-do items in a database. We will make use of a NoSQL DynamoDB provided by AWS. The AWS free tier gives us a generous amount of storage.
In order to create the database, we will add the following statement to our serverless.yml
so that we can instruct CloudFormation to create it in AWS. We define an attribute that is going to be our primary key, in this case, it is id
provider: ... resources: Resources: TodoTable: Type: AWS::DynamoDB::Table Properties: TableName: TodoTable-${self:provider.stage} BillingMode: PAY_PER_REQUEST AttributeDefinitions: - AttributeName: id AttributeType: S KeySchema: - AttributeName: id KeyType: HASH
In the above statement, we are instructing AWS CloudFormation to create a table named TodoTable-dev
with a primary key id
with a PAY_PER_REQUEST billing.
With the changes above, we can create the database on AWS and deploy our project by using the command:
sls deploy -v
We are using an optional -v
option which means verbose just to see more information on the logs.
In AWS CloudFormation we should see the todo-service-dev
stack. In the resource tab, we can verify that our table has been created:
Third-party libraries
We will require the aws-sdk
library to create the DynamoDB client instance. More information here.
We will be using the middy
middleware library to simplify our AWS Lambda code. We will be using middy, middy body-parser and middy HTTP error handler. So we will install the following:
yarn add @middy/core @middy/http-event-normalizer @middy/http-error-handler @middy/http-json-body-parser
The purpose of each library are as follows:
is the core middy library.@middy/http-event-normalizer
simplifies accessing query string or path parameters.@middy/http-error-handler
handles uncaught errors and generates a proper HTTP response for them. See more info here.@middy/http-json-body-parser
parses HTTP requests with a JSON body and converts them into an object for use within our Lambdas.
Error handler
recommends using http-errors
library to be used together with their library to simplify creating errors so we will also install the following:
yarn add http-errors
We will require to generate a unique identifier for each of our to-dos in the database so we will use the uuid
yarn add uuid
Creating our AWS Lambdas
Now, we will move onto creating our AWS Lambdas that we will expose via HTTP.
Create a To-do
Now we will create our create to-do Lambda function. In our serverless.yml
we will add the following entry in the functions property:
functions: createTodo: handler: src/handlers/createTodo.handler events: - http: method: POST path: /todo
This means that we will have a createTodo.js
file that exports a function handler
in the src/handlers
Here, we will use the middleware we installed. We will define a common middleware for all of Lambdas we will use in our project in common/middlware.js
with the contents:
import middy from '@middy/core'; import jsonBodyParser from '@middy/http-json-body-parser'; import httpEventNormalizer from '@middy/http-event-normalizer'; import httpErrorHandler from '@middy/http-error-handler'; export default (handler) => middy(handler).use([ jsonBodyParser(), httpEventNormalizer(), httpErrorHandler(), ]);
This exported function will execute the listed middlewares in the array on the passed handler function.
Below, we add the custom
property in our serverless.yml
file. The purpose of this is to make it easier to make change our tables down the line. We make use of AWS CloudFormation intrinsic functions Ref and GetAtt so that when our stack is deployed then these values will be dynamically evaluated. For the purpose of this post, we will turn off linting on our JavaScript code but I would recommend this to be turned on in production code.
custom: TodoTable: name: !Ref TodoTable arn: !GetAtt TodoTable.Arn bundle: linting: false
We will also require to add permissions to our Lambda in serverless.yml
to create entries in our database table:
provider: ... iamRoleStatements: - Effect: Allow Action: - dynamodb:PutItem
Below will be the code for our Lambda function in our createTodo.js
file. We create a to-do item with the description from the request body and we set the done
status as false by default. Note that we execute our common middleware in the last line.
const dynamoDB = new AWS.DynamoDB.DocumentClient(); async function createTodo(event, context) { const { description } = event.body; const now = new Date(); const todo = { id: uuid(), description, created: now.toISOString(), updated: now.toISOString(), done: false, }; try { await dynamoDB .put({ TableName: process.env.TODO_TABLE_NAME, Item: todo, }) .promise(); // to return a promise instead } catch (error) { console.error(error); throw new createError.InternalServerError(error); } return { statusCode: 201, body: JSON.stringify(todo), }; } export const handler = middleware(createTodo);
We can deploy our changes with the same deploy command:
sls deploy -v
We should find our API URL/endpoint that we created in our terminal and we can verify using a REST client, here I'm using postman:
Retrieve To-dos
We create a new entry in serverless.yml
to add the new getTodos
functions: ... getTodos: handler: src/handlers/getTodos.handler events: - http: method: GET path: /todo
We are also required to add Scan
action permissions.
provider: ... iamRoleStatements: - Effect: Allow Action: - dynamodb:Scan
Below is the code to retrieve all entries in the database table then returns it.
async function getTodos(event, context) { let todos; try { const result = await dynamoDB .scan({ TableName: process.env.TODO_TABLE_NAME, }) .promise(); todos = result.Items; } catch (error) { console.error(error); throw new createError.InternalServerError(error); } return { statusCode: 200, body: JSON.stringify(todos), }; } export const handler = middleware(getTodos);
Update a To-do
We will require to add the UpdateItem
provider: ... iamRoleStatements: - Effect: Allow Action: - dynamodb:UpdateItem
We create the following new function in our functions
property. Note that we are using PATCH
as we are going apply a partial update to the resource.
functions: ... updateTodo: handler: src/handlers/updateTodo.handler events: - http: method: PATCH path: /todo/{id}
Below we have the code for our update function. We will only allow the description
and done
fields to be updated. In the implementation below, we require at least one of description
and done
to be part of the request body, updates the data accordingly and finally returns the updated resource.
async function updateTodo(event, context) { const { id } = event.pathParameters; const { description, done } = event.body; const now = new Date(); if (!description && done === undefined) { throw new createError.BadRequest( 'You must update either description or done status!' ); } const updatedAttributes = []; const expressionAttributeValues = {}; if (description) { updatedAttributes.push(`description = :description`); expressionAttributeValues[':description'] = description; } if (done !== undefined) { updatedAttributes.push(`done = :done`); expressionAttributeValues[':done'] = !!done; } updatedAttributes.push(`updated = :updated`); expressionAttributeValues[':updated'] = new Date().toISOString(); const updateExpression = `set ${updatedAttributes.join(', ')}`; const params = { TableName: process.env.TODO_TABLE_NAME, Key: { id }, UpdateExpression: updateExpression, ExpressionAttributeValues: expressionAttributeValues, ReturnValues: 'ALL_NEW', }; let updatedTodo; try { const result = await dynamoDB.update(params).promise(); updatedTodo = result.Attributes; } catch (error) { console.error(error); throw new createError.InternalServerError(error); } return { statusCode: 200, body: JSON.stringify(updatedTodo), }; }
Delete a To-do
We first add the DeleteItem
provider: ... iamRoleStatements: - Effect: Allow Action: - dynamodb:DeleteItem
Then add the new function in our functions
property in serverless.yml
functions: ... deleteTodo: handler: src/handlers/deleteTodo.handler events: - http: method: DELETE path: /todo/{id}
Below we have our delete function that simply deletes an entry in the database table based on the id
async function deleteTodo(event, context) { const { id } = event.pathParameters; const params = { TableName: process.env.TODO_TABLE_NAME, Key: { id }, }; try { await dynamoDB.delete(params).promise(); } catch (error) { console.error(error); throw new createError.InternalServerError(error); } return { statusCode: 200, }; }
Closing Notes
We have created a simple to-do CRUD service using Node.js, AWS Lambda and Serverless Framework. We have also made use of middleware libraries to simplify the development of our Lambdas.
There are a number of steps involved in the initial set up but once we have done this, it is straightforward to add create and add new functions.
Thank you for following along and I hope that this simple CRUD service helps in creating any serverless project. ✌🏼